Ignite talks.

It is currently 11:03 pm, and I am about to talk about what an ignite talk is (to me). An ignite talk is like that appetizer you get before the buffet, the sweet smell of fresh food rigjt before you eat, that moment of the song that just grabs your attention and holds on throughout the rest of the experience. My ignite talk consists of 2 things, my passion for tattoo art, and my accidental passion for electronical engineering. The way this came to be was, well, I build a tattoo gun, prison style. When I got it to work, i felt this sudden rush of accomplishment, like that feeling of "Holy $%!+, I did it!", and boy, did it feel good. I started to experiment more on the electronics laying around in my house after drawing for a substantial amount of time, and built a speaker. I built one earlier this month, out of a styrofoam cup and broken speaker parts. But the one i made over the week was a mice, 10-speaker-strong, 2-subwoofer-heavy, 12 ohms of pure genius (and boredom). It was my most proudest moment. But I realized, "Well how am I gonna be able to incorporate this into my ignite talk?" I  was stumped. I thought about this for all of about 2 days, and figured it out: Build my own line of tattoo gun. I scrapped the idea, and am still in need of assistance. So far, this had literally next to nothing left of comparison to our current reading status, because how does a dystopian society relate to a troubled teen who wants to do every artistic expression known to man? *edit* it took me 3 seconds to think of a reason.* Some cultures and communities frown upon tattoos or relying on artistic forms to excell in life, which may seem like a downer, but being different would mean we are Savages, born from a mother, raised by a mother, and loving one another (accidental rhymes).  We are also falling into the status quo (Don't deny it, we all are) and blindly going about our lives. But, its also an unguided life, wgere our choices are quite literally butterfly effects. Excuse my freeform mind.


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